That's not all - I get involved in all kinds of things, some as Wetland Engineering, some for other companies, some paid, some voluntary - the following gives you a flavour...
Education and Training Events
"Introduction to Constructed Wetlands" Sep 2018. Geoff ran this 1/2 day training session for the Constructed Wetland Association with Dr. Gaby Dotro from Cranfield University.
"Water on your Farm" Nov 2016. This was a training event organised by the Campaign for the Farmed Environment (CFE). Geoff was commissioned to deliver practical training about farm wetlands to farmers and regulators, following a recommendation from the Wyre Rivers Trust.
"The Science of Floods" April 2016. Following the catastrophic boxing day floods of 2015, Pennine Prospects organised a conference for local people to learn more about rivers, flooding and river engineering. Geoff represented the Calder and Colne Rivers Trust, demonstrating a hydrological model of a river…
"River School" - May 2016. Geoff ran an annual outdoor classroom with his friend for a local school. We have great fun looking at the invertebrate life in our local river and thinking about what it tells us about the water quality…
"Physics in the field" - every now and again most recenty at Bluedot 2018. The Institute of Physics aims to get 1 million people engaged with Physics, and Geoff has volunteered to help!
Associate Work
New House Farm Wetland 2021. Client JBA Consulting. Geoff is helping JBA design a farm wetland in Shropshire for the Severn Rivers Trust to improve water quality, create habitat, reduce flood risk and reduce erosion risk.
Castle Hill 2020. Client JBA Consulting. Geoff helped the JBA team design some treatment wetlands as a part of a large scheme to reduce flood risk and improve water quality and habitat in the River Hull Catchment
Community Tratment Wetland. Client: Eco-tech systems Environmental Ltd 2018. Geoff has been appointed to design a treatment wetland in keeping with adjacent natural wetland systems. Funded by the Shropshire Wildlife Trust
Refurbishment of Minewater Treatment Systems. Client JBA Consulting 2017 and 2018. Geoff assisted the client with the works to refurbish a couple of tired minewater treatment wetlands.
Ochre Management on the Norfolk Broads. Client: Envireau Water 2016. The drainage of farmland in Norfolk creates peculiar environmental conditions, causing iron particles to form in the ditches, and it can en courage salt water from the sea to enter drainage ditches. Geoff assisted with a project looking to manage the drainage system and treat and recycle the water for irrigation.
Municipal Wetland Treatment . Client: JBA Consulting 2016. Geoff advised a utility company about the pros and cons of different wetland treatment options to treat wastewater from a municipality of 10,000 people.
Treating waste from a Chemical Factory: Client: Envireau Water. 2016-17. This is one you don't get every day... a factory that makes CS "gas" was looking to improve their wastewater treatment capability. Geoff is looking at the environmental fate of an unusual combination of organic chemicals in the factory wash water, and devising a trial system to see if we can clean it up using wetland treatment.
Rossie School Wastewater Treatment - Client: Eco-tech Systems Environmental 2016. Geoff looked at the options for improving the performance of an elderly wastewater treatment works in eastern Scotland.
Restoration of Ornamental Lakes, Northampton, UK - Client: JBA Consulting 2017. Geoff was a part of a team looking to make a 1970s engineered water feature attractive and wholesome again...
Moors For the Future Partnership. I conduct environmental surveys in the South Pennines and Peak District to minitor their moorland restoration initiatives.
Bat Conservation Trust. I have a regular patch as a volunteer on the BCT's annual Waterway Survey, monitoring activity of Daubenton's bats on Hebden Water in Calderdale
River Fly Partnership. I served a year in 2015-2016 as a volunteer monitoring invertebrate populations in mine-water affected streams in Calderdale for the Calder Rivers Trust.